eCommerce eSchool

eCommerce Mastery Course


Do you want to master every part of eCommerce to get the best possible results?

I collected the "eCommerce eSchool”, it contains 32 curated YouTube videos,

All hand-picked to give you the skills and knowledge you need to master eCommerce.

This list will teach you the basics, the advanced stuff and everything in-between.

It covers 8 parts and 9-hours of video content:

  • Understanding eCommerce

  • Creating your Shopify store

  • Product sourcing in eCommerce

  • Running traffic to your store

  • Email marketing strategies for eCommerce.

Let’s boogie to start your journey of becoming an eCommerce expert today!

That’s it for this part, wait for the second part of the eCommerce eSchool.

P.S. What'd you think of this email? Was it worth the 2 minutes? Click below if it was.

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In case you're new: Who's Mahmoud?

For those who don’t know me well, here’s my quick background:

  • I’m a guy who growing up was so simple but full of childhood adventure. I was just OK at everything, and I was completely forgettable.

  • My first title ever was “BATMAN”, awarded ‘thanks to’ my sense of courage to jump from the second floor of my grandma house, in 1999.

  • My girlfriend, called me ‘My Batman’, because she know that story only, not because I work in two jobs, one in the day and the other at night (Don’t tell her).

  • Inside, I always wanted to be special somehow at something, but I never found my thing.

  • Finally — the higher education level I reached is 2-years after Baccalaureate, I quitted college in 2015 to pay a 4-years debt and invest my first 7,000 dirhams to learn during the raise of ‘passion economy’ back in 2020, after quitting an aviation and load control 9-to-5 role. It was the first time I learned about business, startups, creators, and the art of making money.

  • I got obsessed, and decided to try to get rich, and make my first million dollars, but I realised it takes years of making my crafts.

  • Now, I’m 30, and get to spend my days working, investing in eCommerce, and creating content like this to share experience, and for fun for the next generation. My goal is to be the best version of myself and be the mentor I wish had when I was in my twenties.

  • Outside of my marketing work, I’m a writer, travel photographer, and serial maker. I’m driven by a love for lifelong learning and ceaseless passion for the written word.

Have a dope Friday, see you next week.

— Mahmoud Ait Elkatab


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