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  • Hyperlogistics & Robotics Underground Delivery in Smart Cities

Hyperlogistics & Robotics Underground Delivery in Smart Cities

Delivery should be so fast, it feels like it's teleporting

Hi friends, Mahmoud here. ​A friend replied to my latest Saturday email digest asking about my newsletter's "concept", thanks for your question, Wissal.

​Here's a brief answer: this is a personal newsletter where I share content and lessons at the intersection of my learning journey on building startups, borderless innovations, business conversations, community building, startup ideas, educational content, and human skills resources.

​Here are the things that you can expect:

  • ​Receive curiosity-inducing content and educational resources demystifying the world of community, content that can help people interested in building and sustaining their communities, startup ideas, business, and entrepreneurship.

  • ​You will also be the first to know about any new projects, collaborations, content, or educational initiatives I have in the works!

Now let us dig into ideas.

One Innovation

Canon Reeves is an exponential entrepreneur who's building robots and startups. Currently, he's building Pipe Dream Labs, a company that provides tech solutions related to underground robots that enable 30-second deliveries in cities with the smartest engineers in his lab.

​One Company

​"Bringing the world 30 second delivery times through underground pipes". 

Garett Scott

​This is the one-line answer Pipedream Labs has on their CEO's Twitter bio, Garett Scott.

Here are the things that Pipedream Labs company do:

​1. Pipedream Labs are building the future of 'underground' delivery

​ Their solution (underground pipes) is fast, green, and relay on underground mobility to ensure sustainable delivery in cities using robots.

​2. Their solution is AI-driven and powered by high-speed pods

​The pods they're building are capable of 75 MPH speeds and can carry 28 liters of volume.

​3. Simplicity, powerful everyday infrastructure

​Their pods are designed to travel through standard 12" PVC/HDPE pipes, just like what is already used for sewage and water main lines.

🔮 One Resource

​As a previous airport logistics student and a supply chain innovations trend-watcher, I'm always on a quest to learn new things about tech discoveries, techno-logistics, and supply chain as it has a direct impact on our lives and consuming behaviors. The supply chains are rigid and complex, and technology is making them more flexible and straightforward.

Cameron Wiese, founder of World's Fair Co. and 'Build The Future' podcast took the initiative to speak with Garrett Scott, CEO of Pipedream Labs.

​In the episode below they talked about the world of hyperlogistics; the ability to instantly receive goods delivered to consumers no matter where they are, within seconds. What I loved about the talk is they had abundant thinking and the company's bold vision that uses robots, artificial intelligence, cloud, and the internet of things to create hyper-logistics accessibility, to eventually transforming the landscape of our cities, and how e-commerce will eat the world.

📞 Community Check-in (Aferwork Club Event)

​👀 TL;DR

  • Afterwork Lab is a brand-centric community studio I started in December 2021 to help e-commerce brands and companies launch and build brand communities.

  • Afterwork Club is a people-centric community club hosted in Geneva. It's a cozy place for today's makers, entrepreneurs, and community builders.

​👏 Concept

​From now on, I will be conducting monthly community check-in calls (meetings) with a founder or a community builder inside the Social Room, to learn from other people how they build their communities. These check-in calls are friendly and social-oriented and we can all learn from each other.

​🥳 Guest:

Weirong Li is a great community and service-minded person. I met her in her Geneva community, Raw Culture. She is known for her determined and passionate spirit to connect people from all across the world and raise awareness for cultural understanding through the unique angle of storytelling, where she has created the initiative, Raw Culture.

​Register and read more about the event details and Weirong's story below.

Register to the Community check-in call RSVP.

​🎬 One-stop

​I know, and this is 'necessary'.

​"How about coffee, drinks, dinner, a movie ... or as long as we both shall live?"

You've Got Mail - 1998

💡 Ideas of the week

  • ​10 startup ideas you can build today from RazRashed

  • ​I think we will see more niched ventures that will transform industries and help entrepreneurs build future companies and startups. These ventures will be people-centric, community-driven, sustainable-focused, fully automated, 100% digitized, and privacy-centric.

  • ​I think these new companies will be run and managed by Zeeners (Gen Z) and Millennials like me (Gen Y) - and maybe - Baby boomers will call our next companies "stupid companies", maybe.

​That's it for this week, see you next week. If you like what your read, share.


or to participate.